An unfair playing field

Nov 21, 2017 20:57

With regard to the current moral panic about stale claims of sexual misconduct of widely varying types and severity. you should realize that it's much easier to wrong-foot Democrats and liberals by this sort of thing.

Republicans and right-wingers will, of course, circle the wagons, as we're seeing in the case of Roy Moore. For Alabama voters, the choice between a child molester and a liberal is a difficult moral quandary. Roy Moore may have chased children, but he stands up for the piss-ant god they worship down there.

On the other hand Democrats have to at least pay lip service to "feminism", whatever it means anymore. These things target key Democrat constituencies.  They implicate Democratic human-resources pieties and 'professional' standards.  They have invested a great deal in that kind of elite etiquette.  It's much harder for them to shake off these charges levelled against their leadership, no matter how stale or how trivial they may be.

I know it goes against everything you've been taught to root for the home team.  But sometimes you have to.

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moral_panic, witch hunt, me_too, witch_hunt

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