The pleasures that are his birthright.....

May 17, 2013 10:39

From the Oak Ridge online museum

Produced by the Home Products Company of Denver, Colorado, these suppositories were guaranteed to contain real radium - and probably did.

From the company's brochure:

Weak Discouraged Men!
Now Bubble Over with Joyous Vitality
Through the Use of
Glands and Radium

". . . properly functioning glands make themselves known in a quick, brisk step, mental alertness and the ability to live and love in the fullest sense of the word . . . A man must be in a bad way indeed to sit back and be satisfied without the pleasures that are his birthright! . . . Try them and see what good results you get!"

All Home Product customer orders were shipped in a plain wrapper for confidentiality.

I missed my historical moment, it seems. I must once again complain of the unjust and irrational laws that prevent me from selling people radioactive material to stick up their arse as an aphrodisiac.

quackery, fun with radioactivity

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