Dec 09, 2004 20:00
Carlos gave me the money that Omar gave him to give to me to buy the winterball tickets
When we got the the parking lot of the museum place, me and Tangi switched shirts so we could be in groups with our friends. But Ms.Denny was like "You think you're slick huh" and started laughing and made me get my BDU top back. Then we walked in our groups to the museum and like, I was saying hi to chen and the ugly bitch ignored me so i was gonna trip her but Joeseph kept blocking me.
Got there and we looked at these things outside...So then we saw this yellow thing and we climbed inside and then we got out before we got yelled at. So short, joeseph, trinh, danny, jimmy, anderson, and me kept going ahead cuz we didn't wanna be with everyone else. So then just danny, short, jimmy, and me went back to like the stairs part and then anderson came and we started talking. So then we walked back and crap. So then we went to the bathroom and like, someone called 911 on the payphone and they kept calling back. it was stupid. so then we broke off into smaller groups and anderson, joeseph, bratcher, trinh, allred, erin dira, her friend, and me were in a group and this old lady was our guide.
So yeah, we looked at stuff and she talked and joeseph kept looking at me like he wanted to say this was a load of bs but yeah. so like, the only cool thing was this big red horse with balls.
So then we went and got our lunches and i gave trinh half of my sandwich. then there was this little park thing and we went there and there was this spinny thingy and yeah...first me and diana went on it and then i went by myself and i fell off.
then we went back and like, looked at these animals and crap. so there was this cushion thing and me and trinh were laying on it and then joeseph came so we were all laying on our stomachs and then al got on me and i screamed and me, trinh, and joeseph were kicked out so we just went to like, this place with hella chinese things. they were cool though.
So then we went to this other part with like, this stuff like, 80s crap and then me and trinh were laying on this other bench and mrs.vanderburg and short's mom told us to get up cuz we were making the school look bad, lol. So then we went behind this thing and laid on the stairs and ashley called us bums, lol. Then we went back to OMI.