just when i think i no longer have to worry about getting raped...
adventureguy4: hey whats up
oh hedonic tone: hey you, not too much. it's been a while, how are you?
adventureguy4: doin pretty good
oh hedonic tone: i take it you're back in tucson?
adventureguy4: yeah
oh hedonic tone: weren't you off to taiwan?
adventureguy4: i'm off in feb, later in the month
adventureguy4: are you 21?
oh hedonic tone: sadly no. not until july.
adventureguy4: ah damn, most of my friends are warmly coupled tonight and i really feel like grabbing a beer
oh hedonic tone: maybe one night we can catch a bite to eat. you can get a beer and i'll gaze jealously.
adventureguy4: do you want to grab some beers and take em somewhere outside to drink adn chit chat
adventureguy4: i'm just assuming that you drink
oh hedonic tone: of course. in fact, when i was little, my mother always mixed in johnny walker with the baby formula.
adventureguy4: good, that's how i was weaned too
adventureguy4: so what do you think of a couple outdoorsy beers right now
oh hedonic tone: ha your screen name pulls no punches. i wish i could be so spontaneous but you've got to give me a few days notice. dinner somewhere quiet first.
oh hedonic tone: i'm just such an old man at heart.
adventureguy4: a few days for beer in the park?!
adventureguy4: and such a traditionalist .. dinner first huh
oh hedonic tone: ok well no...it doesnt have to be dinner.
adventureguy4: so you just mean it's too late?
adventureguy4: do you think i'll do something terrible to you?
oh hedonic tone: ok well, you're leaving in a few days, so let me shoot you straight...
adventureguy4: shoot me
oh hedonic tone: i think we both know what this is about. and maybe i'm not sure i'm up for it. but if i am, i'd like to at least meet in a public place at a decent hour.
oh hedonic tone: i mean, i'm not suggesting you have diabolical intentions.
adventureguy4: oh
oh hedonic tone: but i'm not pulling any punches.
oh hedonic tone: because i don't know you.
adventureguy4: believe it or not
adventureguy4: i'm the rather naive one right now
adventureguy4: i honest to god (which i don't believe in) was just thinking of a couple beers
adventureguy4: i'm not really in a sex mood at all
adventureguy4: do i sound full of shit?
oh hedonic tone: ...
yes, as a matter of fact. you DO sound full of shit.