datz ill y0 (4:50:24 PM): should i kiss him?
Roxy13208 (4:50:30 PM): no
datz ill y0 (4:50:35 PM): why not
Roxy13208 (4:50:38 PM): N
Roxy13208 (4:50:39 PM): O
datz ill y0 (4:50:45 PM): WHY NOT
Roxy13208 (4:50:47 PM): cause have him make the move
datz ill y0 (4:51:13 PM): guys like it when girls make the first move, i thought?
Roxy13208 (4:51:24 PM): I DUNNO
datz ill y0 (4:51:27 PM): he isnt mature though. he might be 21. but he is still a kid
Roxy13208 (4:51:43 PM): hmm no dont do it
datz ill y0 (4:52:50 PM): great
datz ill y0 (4:52:55 PM): i was going to until now
datz ill y0 (4:52:56 PM): thanks
Roxy13208 (4:53:18 PM): :-)
Survey Five
01.what is your name? Natalie
02. age? 16
03. how old do you look? ive gotten from 15-21
04. how old do you act? my age, or older, sometimes.
05. have you recently become a member of anything? nope
06. what did you do yesterday? slept at logans.
07. who last called you? jamie
08. who is the last person you called? billy
09. do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? whoever kisses with eyes open is a freak. ew.
10. what is the sexiest thing about the opposite sex? eyes
11. do you sing in the shower? im not that gay
12. are you in love with anyone right now? yes. not tal.
13. have you ever said "i love you" and not meant it? no
14. does anything on your body itch right now? nope
15. what color is the carpet in your bedroom? i have wood.
16. have you ever had a member of the opposite sex in your room? yes
17. who is the sexiest (wo)man alive?: i think maybe ashton.
18. if your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? if my family and animals were good, then id take my shoes. probably my orange and blue nikes.
19. who was your first best friend? galatia. (cyprus)
20. who is the next person you'll buy a birthday gift for? either kelly or mandy.
21. what's your favourite number? 8
22. have you ever gotten detention, if so what for? throwing pencils at my teacher in 8th grade.
23. what is your fave place to go on vacation? cyprus.
24. have you ever given/received head? nope.
25. do you like playing truth or dare? sometimes.
26. how many times a week do you bathe? 7-9
27. perfect wedding song? i couldnt tell ya.
28. do you have a boy/girl friend? hopefully soon.
29. what is your deepest, darkest secret? what would be the point of telling?
30. funniest joke you ever heard? everything is a joke to me. if you know me.
31. saddest movie? old yeller.
32. last movie you saw in the theatre? catch me if you can
33. when's the last time you rode a bike? um last year.
34. who is the last person who asked for your phone number? tal.
Survey Four
if you could choose a song that was written for you especially, what would it be and why? nothing describes me how i really am.
Who would like to sing it to you?: id like kelly to sing to me. her voice gives me the chills.
What is song that makes you cry when you hear it?: i dont cry for songs.
Why?: ....
what songs make you think about your school days?: im still in school. otherwise i'd answer.
What song in your record collection makes you cringe?! none.
what song have you got playing on your mobile phone ringing tone? who knows.
have you ever wrote a song?: nope. im not good at that.
who for?: ...
have you ever made love to a song?: ask me if i have ever made love.
if no, would you?: umm.. ill let you know.
Do you like fast or slow songs best? anything thats good.
what is your all time fave song?: 311 beautiful disaster.
Survey Three
1. Have you ever spat on any body?: actually, my old neighbor in cyprus, he was such an asshole.
2. Have you been spat on?: no
3. Have you ever got drunk?: naahhhh who would do such a thing?
4. Do you ever feel murderous to any of your freinds?: yes. i will not name who.
5. Do you want sex?: sure why not.
6. Do you carry scissors with you?: um. no.
7. Are your parents freaks?: no, just assholes.
8. Have you ever tried drugs?: sure.
9. Do you treat your parents bad?: when they deserve it.
10. Are you ashamed of it?: after i do it.
11. Do you have a mobile phone?: i couldnt live without it.
12. Whats the number? 915 0680
13. Whats your favourite alcohol?: watermelon pucker. yum.
14. Can you talk properly?: yeah, i always correct people. sorry.
15. What are you wearing?: red Pjs and a sweatshirt.
16. How often do you think about sex?: not too much.
17. What are you watching?: nothing.
18. Are you stupid?: about some things.
19. Are you a loner?: sometimes.
20. How many times have you fallen off your bike?: never, i smashed my face on a gate once because i coudlnt stop the bike though.
21. Have you ever tried self-torture?: you know when something hurts, but then you try to hurt it more, it feels kind of good? is that self torture?
22. Wheres the best place you've been to?: my dreams.
23. Is your country a cess pit?: um...
24. Do you like arson?: obviously not...
25. What sport do you like?: soccer, softball.
26. Have you ever stolen anything?: candy and lip gloss from rite aid. im such a rebel.
27. Are you bored?: yes
28. Are you going to finish the survey?:we'll see.
Survey two
Chair Survey
1- What is your idea of an ideal chair?: a big fat comfortable one. orange too.
2- What colour do you prefer your chair to be?: ^^^
3- Have you ever slept in a chair on the first night?: no
4- What was the biggest chair you've sat in?: in my dream, i had the coolest house with the coolest couches and my chair was a huge hand. (just joking) i dont know.
5- Have you ever sat in two or more chairs in one day?: what th fuck questions are these?
6- Have you ever slept in a recliner?: all the time.
7- Would you sit in a battery-operared chair?: sure.
8- How many chairs have you ever sat in?: zero.
9- What do you think about sometimes when you are in your chair?: how cool i am.
10- Have you ever thought about sitting in other chairs while in yours?: oh my fuck.
11- What was the worst sitting experience you have ever had?: falling off
12- Would you sit in a chair that somebody else just sat in?: i have, but the thought is gross.
Survey one [20 Oct 2002|02:37am]
1. If you had to choose between being a frog, a buffalo, an elephant or a cat, which would you be?: elephant. my favorite animals. they are big and fat like me.
2. If you were given the choice between eternal life of sadness or a short life of happiness, which would you choose?: short life of happiness
3. If you were making a survey, what interesting questions would you put in?: i wouldnt be making one.
4. What colour socks are you wearing?: white and orange softball.
5. Why are you doing this survey?: im bored.
6. What is your religion?: greek orthodox.
7. Would you rather eat nothing but spinach for the rest of your life, or take triple trigonometry every day for the rest of your life?: spinach. id lose weight. either because its healthy, or because id eat too much of it.
8. What is the last book you read that was not for school?: i dont do that.
9. Are you a nerd?: ofcourse.
11. What famous person have you been told you look like?: j.lo. haha
12. Are you bored?: no, not at all.
13. What is your name backwards?: ailatan
14. How much money did the tooth fairy bring you when you were little?: fucking 25 cents. fuck you fucking toothfairy. you cheap bitch.
15. Do you have a web page?: um.
16. If so, what's the URL?: .
17. What's your favourite brand of shampoo?: herbal essences. i dont give a fuck if its bad for my hair. stop telling me that.
18. Olives or avacados?: avocados.
19. How do you spell that reeaally hard to spell word from the movie 'Mary Poppins'?: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
20. What's your favourite Disney movie?: ice age.
21. If you had to lose a sense, which would you lose?: smell.
22. Cat, dog or alligator?: alligator. they are so fucking cool.
23. What's your theory on diets?: i hate them, though i try to follow one each week.
24. What's your favourite funny quote?: i swear to drunk im not god. hahahaha it cracks me up everytime.
25. Are you glad this is the last question?: uh. youre gay.
Tricked you! More pointless things to answer:
26. If you timesed your age by two and added four, what would you get?: zero. im good at math.
27. What's your middle name?: i dont have one.
28. In 35 years, where do you see yourself?: probably dead because i smoke so much cancer sticks.
29. If you HAD to kill off one family member, who would it be?: myself. i would never kill my family.
30. How old is your dad?: 43.
31. Have you ever been to Holland?: yes.
32. Would you ever get dreadlocks in you hair?: nope.
33. Is this a yes question or a no question?: uhhhhh
34. Finsish this sentence 'I love___': laura bland.
35: if you HAD to get on one musican, who would it be and why? brandon boyd. his mouth is so sexy.
36: just makeout or sex? if he wants sex, ill give him sex.
37: have you ever done somtehing, purposely just to upset someone-- perhaps a coworker? all the time.
38: is your mama fat?: no, shes just a little baba.
39: is your pops fat? no, hes just big boned.
40: are any of your pets fat? one of my cats il bulimic, and the other one drinks water, but no food. ask me again.
41: do you ever find yourself daydreaming about haveing sex with one of your ex(s)? um. i guess.
42: would you? umm.. i dont know.