Mar 01, 2005 17:05

Ok so today my alarm goes off to "love song", wake up to it every tuesday, and i think to myself ok i know that we have school toady but i still have to check..so i turn to chanel 7, comercial, so i change to chanel 11, wait for the s' and then "saginaw area catholic schools, closed" So i turn my light on and go down stairs and find my mom and say "and they said that it wouldn't happen" and she turns around and says "ok go back to bed but you have to blow the drive before we get home from work, not 2 min. before though, make it 5" lol what a hoot..go back to bed and wake up at 10.
just chilled for the whole day..didn't have anything to do because I had already handed in my english paper to big szym..did my french with my tutor and that was all my home work..
Went out and blew the snow and almost got hit by a car driving by..came back in and my glasses fogged up lol you have to love that so i made little smiley's in them wile they were still foggy...
Yesterday my mom and i went to SVSU and i did a shit load of sit ups and my abs hurt..we are going today and it hink that instead of doing the bike i am going to do the treadmil first and then the bike after working on my arms..
I guess all that i have to say now is fuck it! lol it will all be done in 2 years and plus only 102 more days until my sanctuary so good luck!

Talked to Billy..yeah he rocks lol
Ashton went to the Vu the other weekend. she was supposed to stop by and give me her "i like sex and blow jobs" cd but she wasn't driving so i guess i will try to get it this weekend lol
I need to get more cd's for my "sanctuary/real home" lol i got veggie tales but not the right ones so next time or for my b-day i will get them

that's all for now!
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