Jun 13, 2005 21:36
so its been a day since heather broke up with me. ibut theres somethings i dont understand. first people keep tell me it had something to do with me cussing and i dont know why she couldnt tell me that. but it all started when she went to church and she had this lesson bout make right choices and when she came home and called me she said she was all confused about her choices in life and she had to sort them and she call me back well later that nite she sign on and she broke up with me so i guess when she sorted out her life she labeled me as a bad choice so feel loved. but tell if im wrong but when ur in a relationship ur suppossed to confront the one u love bout problems and work them out together. i would have confornted her but i guess im not loved like thought i was. but its not like it matters now its to late cause heather is gone for a week and we cant fix anything now and even when she back she will have grown apart from me while im still here struggling. i dont know ill just have to wait till she gets back to know.
but if anyone can help me please do cause i love heather so much nd i wish i could have her back in my arms again.