Jan 13, 2006 13:25
My 2005:
[P E O P L E]
1. Good friends? too many to name, even if they dont think they are
2. Best boyfriend? Josh
3. Lost any friends? Yeah, but gained a ton in the process
4. Gained any friends? yeah
5. Met a New Friend? yes
[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? nope, not that year
2. cool places in MI? idk carnival spots
3. New school? just oakland
4. How many times on an airplane? 3 i think
5. Road trips? too many to count
[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? Yes in so many ways
2. New look? Just pregnant
3. Any new additions? not yet but there will be in about 6 months
4. Biggest conflict this year? idk
5. Most depressed time this year? Being away from Josh for like 6 months
[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? I fell back in love
2. Did you get heartbroken? not really
3. Who was your summer love? idk who do you think? summer was an inbetween time
4. How many boyfriends/girlfriends this year? 1
5. Favorite date? no dates
[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? The carnival season, it wasnt as fun as last year but it was the best cuz its summer and i can do what i want
2. Least favorite season? Winter
3. Good birthday? No, my brother went to jail on my birthday
4. Any snow this year? Yes quite a bit
5. Highest temperature? HOT thats all i know
[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out- no
Met a person who will change your life - probably
Kept your resolution- I didnt make one
Got arrested- nope
Had a first something- yeah
Drank Alcohol- pobably
Smoked weed/drugs- no
Did anything illegal- yeah
Kissed a boy/girl- yeah
Had a crush- yeah
Liked someone who didn't like you- maybe
Got bad grades- only cuz i never went to school
Got a myspace- no
Learned an instrument- no
Spent over 1 million dollars- hmmm if i made that much
Went streaking- nope
Done something you shouldn't have- yeah
Kept a secret- Yes
Done something you totally regret- yes
Changed your view on things- a ton
40 Random Questions.
1. Are you wearing a necklace? no
2. Does your computer have a mouse? yes
3. Who is the main person you talk to in each of your classes? If I was still in hs :(
4. Do you have a cut in your nose? no.
5. Are you rich? nope and probably wont ever be
6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? 1 thats mine but 3 other ones
7. What song are you listening to? none
8. What's the last mall you went to? Oakland
9. Are you alone? No
10. Do you have any older siblings? Yes a brother and a sister, well 2 brothers but clint died almost 2 years ago
11. What is the last thing you ate? Subway right now
12. Who was the last person to come over your house? idk, steph and amanda
13. Who was the last person that called you? my g-ma
14. Who was the last person you texted? Aim
15. What time is it? 1:37pm
16. What should you be doing? finishing eating and getting ready for work
17. Who is the last person you IMed? Steph
18. Did you go out to eat yesterday? I dont think so but thats a first...........
19. What are you thinking right now? At the moment nothing really
20. What color is your shirt? Red
21. What color is your keyboard? gray
22. What do you feel like eating? idk whatever the baby wants
23. Are you in college? yes
24. What is the last word you typed? yes
25. Are you bored? no
26. How many teeth do you have? i have never been bored enough to count them
27. Miss anyone right now? no, the only person i can miss is sitting right here
28. Do you wear glasses? Yes
29. What color are your shoes? White
30. Are your toes painted? no
31. Last thing you drank? coke but probably should've been water
32. Last word you typed? water
33. Wanna have sex? Right now no, but dont i have it all the time?
34. Who do you love? Josh