May 29, 2004 09:15
SO last night I had work and I most enjoy it. My job is awesome. I hear a lot of live music, serve nice food, get to eat nice food and watch people get drunk and fall over. Any hoot last night was neat. Not only did I go to the bathroom, but I got a free meal. I know what your thinking, but I got payed to do it. LOL. Oh man i have a show tonight. I think im going to mess up at practise so Omar will freak out. Then the show will come, and i will most likely mess up more. i have got to learn how to play. Never the less my back reilly hurts. Oh! I just remembered that my old man has an electric thing for you back be right back..................
Wow this is wonderful. So you guys should go to the show tonight and that would be cool if you did. We are #1 today in the Phoenix. So good job gang. Big thanks to you guys to who bought the thing. Much love out to you. Well I ran out of neat things to talk about, so i will see you all again. Until next time im Patrick Kilbourn(Master of Metal)and have a wonderful time hunting and destroying.