right from the start you were a thief you stole my heart.....

Sep 18, 2013 19:27

its a day since my last entry and im stuck....in the mud...of her heart as usual....
am i too sensitive?? am i mad?? is this what is it meant to feel like when you love someone? torn, heart broken, ecstatic, confused, lonely, misplaced, underestimated ALONE? probably not.....lmao im such a fool for her.....she is of course licorice the most amazing person i have ever met and the only reason i stick out this tragic existence i call life.

so today i managed to not see her all day?? every time i went to see her she wasn't there...i looked a fair few times too. i just wanted to see her and check she is ok (she has been feeling ill last few days) it felt quite sad that i never did find her....i sort of missed her. so i text her....no response....facebooked her to say i missed her....her response was classic licorice... "im fine im going out in a bit" no mention of how are you...how was work...i miss you too....hahahaha im such a douche why do i bother .... oh wait because im totally in love with her.

have been thinking our time has come to an end and she clearly does not love me the way she said she did.... but i cant let go....my first love....and first girl....and its been all of 5 months.... :(

so confused..... thank god for kams.... she listens to my constant moaning....
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