my life as of March 22.

Apr 03, 2005 14:33

Ever since Tuesday, March 22, I have been randomly popping up all over the place. I decided to share because I'm a fucking loser and have no life.

...and a select few of you have been wondering where the hell I've been.

SO, here we go.

-wake up (who would have figured)
-go to the bank
-decided to go the the library because I needed tax form anyway
-come home for about 10 minutes
-Mattie shows up online for the first time in a week and a half
-he's in the hospital
-Dropped EVERYTHING I was doing and found a way to get to the hospital and waited in a hospital (YUCK) for about 5 hours before I got to see him for only 2 hours.
-Had no idea how I was getting home
-got a ride from Tasch (horray! I love her.)
-Got home, talked to Jocelyn about this for a while because I knew she'd be good to talk to.

-woke up EARLY as fuck
-made falaffel (sp) for Mattie
-it tasted like SHIT
-left to meet Mattie at the hospital by 12
-went home (2 hours bus and walking)...
-home for about 20 mins...
-went to dinner with my little sister
-walked her home
-walked home again
-home for about 40 mins...
-talked to Leo
-talked to Jonathan
-Elana picks me up
-We talk until about 2am about our problems
-Finally go to bed

-woke up early again...barely
-we drive 2 1/2 hours to Dullas Town Center to work 9 hours
-stressed over Mattie the whole time, hoping he got discharged
-got off work to go to Yankee Candle in Rockville
-THEN went home
-Went to bed

-the maid


I COMPLETELY forget everything.
I think I was with Axel but then we weren't doing anything and he had to work so Jocelyn picked me up and we went thrift store hunting...then hookah bar.

-got ditched by Mattie
-didn't go to church
-spent Easter Sunday w/ Mom and Steve
-kinda depressed

-stressin about Mattie
-Jade calls out and asks me to cover for her tomorrow
-Matt breaks up with me (via internet)

-wake up, depressed as shit
-no phone
-go to school
-see Axel for aout an hour
-go to work
-come back to Axel's, eat pizza and NASTY vegan burgers
-saw Saw w/ Axel and Mike
-crashed @ Axel's

-woke up...where the fuck am I?
-realized I was @ Axel's in his little bros room
-went to Kim's
-left to hang out with Tasch and them peeps
-crashed at Kim's
-sleeeep *drool*

-school...for a whole 30 mins...
-back to Kim's
-leave to hang out with Bri
-surprisingly good jam session
-WHEATONNNN and canolies (sp?)
-learned how to say suck my dick in Italian
-quickly forgot by accident
-came back to Kim's
-there for about ten minutes
-Jocelyn came for me and we went too the hookah bar again
-wanted a burrito
-came back to Kim's
-talked with Shama til about 1.30
-showered and passed out at Kim's


-hOME...FREAKING HOME FINALLY!...for 30 mins
-bussed to bank
-went straight to the Knights to work there
-got home from work around 10.30
-passssed out

Saturday (weirdest night of my whole life):
-woke up noon
-2 hours of freedom
-left for work
-met Jocie at Takoma
-went to the maid in the rain
-left early to go eat some food
-got stranded in Bethesda
-crashed at a hotel that was too expensive and the floor had gotten flooded

-2 hours of crappy sleep
-checked out the hotel and went to Bethesda station...ONLY to get off @ Silver Spring and end up riding PAST Bethesda station again...
-tried going to her dad's
-her parents are evil and don't understand her
-went to the mall for about 1 hour
-FINALLY came home right now

-typing this update
-seeing Mike and Melissa tonight
-quite positive that something else is going to pop up tonight from a friend before she goes to bed because that's just the way things roll
-still quite tired
-ending this update right now
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