Ahhh, April Vacation...

Apr 22, 2005 12:43

I haven't posted in a while cuz I've been sooo busy!! Here's the low down of my adventures...

starting on Friday April 15th,, Got out of school early at 12:00 to be precise to start the relaxation camping adventures with Sarah Lynn, we drove to east cannan while listening to muchos 50 Cent where evryone has nice houses that they dont keep up so they look really shabby and need some flowers and a paint job, but yet have georgeous shiny mercedes and beamers, go figure... but anywhooz, so we get to Lone Oaks campsite, settle in and gallabant for 3 days, basically unsupervised where its absolutely breathtaking, and i enjoyed sitting on the edge of a lake at night and pondering where there are like no lights so u can actually see the stars.

Saturday was definately the craziest night though, there was a dance, and oh... did I DANCE!! It was a lot of fun, so then that night after the dance we got, how you say... intoxicated, where i kept letting Sarah and this kid David know that as we were walking thru the woods in the boondocks that they better not leave me because i would have no idea how to get back to the campsite, but they didnt and miraculously we got back, no clue how, and i woke up at 530 in the morning - STILL intoxicated, and again, miraculously, found my way to a bathroom and peed cuz boy i had to pee, and then woke up in the morning - Sarah was sick, two words, Rumplemann's and Dr. Pepper, so she was hungover and she had had less to drink than me, but i was feelin' great, no headache no tummy ache no nuthin, so i proceeded to enjoy the rest of my day, whereas, well, Sarah didnt. lol, anyways,

Sunday we returned home to Southington at around 5, where i showered in a real full size shower!! *gasp* and Called Alea to come to the movies with me, I drove out to East bumfuck and got her and then we went and saw The Amityville Horrors, which I definately reccomend going to see, we had our feet up in the seats and we were like hididng behind our hands, that kind of a good scary movie, which u all know i LIVE for, so then we left totally on an adrenaline rush and visited Dave montano at Dairy Queen, he made us come around back and the his in this little shed and cuz we were so jumpy already he popped out and scared us and we screamed so loud!! But he went to see it that night cuz we told him too, he didnt find it as scary as us but he still thought it was good.

Monday, hmmm went to Walmart, got a new wallet with my sis and sarah, melissa called from key west, she was about to go paprsailing,

tuesday i worked, blahhh, but it was alright it went by quick and michael was there to keep me entertained,

wednesday Ari came over ad we went to CVS and Walgreens and Burger King, then i babysat and then met up with Jeff at Wendy's after and we chatted it up there for a good while, then i went to the duffys and talked To Mr and Mrs Duffy and Sam,

Thursday i worked 12 - 5, but on fountain ... UGH!.. but it wasnt busy and again went by quick so it was aiight, then afterwards i picked up alea and we went out gallabanting around town all over the place, Wendy's, where this guy was checking us out and gave Alea biggee fries instead of medium (only she ate i already had McDonalds haha) then CVS, then Strawberries, then Parilines where we both got mounds ice cream on a sugar cone with rainbow sprinkles, then to Dave's to talk with his mom (I'm weird I know), then back to east bumfuck to drop alea off, then home where i sat outside on the swing in the dark listening to country (which im into lately) with a blanket and a pillow and it was nice.
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