bringin' it back.

Aug 08, 2008 13:58

Too bad I didnt realize this earlier that I could be doing this when its slow at work instead of searchign the internet for somethign interesting to read. And of course, now with one week left of work I realize it. Oh well. I went to Alea's today on lunch break, you can basically see her house from the bank, but I didnt find that out until today! I knew she was close, but I could have walked there. So I called her and she was home so I stopped in for a chat since I wasnt going to eat. Im so jealous of her, she really has her shit together. They have such a cute apartment and a dog and kitties and even though they both have to work so hard to have what they have they do it! And do it well! I really missed them both, theyre such down to earth people. I wish this summer had more time left in it before school. I cant belivee its almost over - I feel like it just started! I still need to email Christine to take me off the schedule, and I need to get my oil changed before we all go to VT next weekend! Which I am psyched for. I will never understand why guys wear white T-Shirts that they cover in stains, but still wear out, unless they were painting or working or something. Jess is going to come up to UConn with me the week I have off and Im goign to move soem stuff in - get my new ID which I lost and show her around, so shes not totally lost on her first day. I need to stop at the bank today too and deposit my check. I was in such a horrible mood this morning, feeling really gloomy about things, but now Im better, probably because the sun is out! Well its kinda picking up in here so Im outtie!
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