I've been so busy!

Mar 01, 2006 19:51

I've been so busy and not to mention lazy that I absotutely HAVE not felt like writing Lj style. But no wthat my SPRING BREAK officially starts tomorrow night, I feel that its okay to lay back and relax, I actually plan on reading ...*gasp* FOR FUN tonight. I rocked the shit out of my Philosophy exam and I was sooooo happy. My karma has been absolutely amazing lately, knock on wood (actually knocks on desk). I got a free TV form justin yesterday which happens to be a remote compatible 30 inch tv where I can actually plug in a DVD player or a gme system vs my tv from liek 1982 where I have to liek get up to change the channels and there will be no N 64 for that tv, doesnt even have plugs. So I am thrilled to give that other one back to Katay, switch around my room, buy Donkey Kong and celebrate.

I am NOT working this week off, I owe it to myself, and besides I decide before that I wouldnt work the one week breaks and that it would be better if I just worked winter and Summer break. So I get to be lazy ( well except for my whole Novel and like 100 pgs of text i have to read for history) and relax, and Dave also took the week off from his 8 - 5 monday - friday job becasue its his last week b4 he starts school and -YAY. So we have free time together to do whatever. We decided not to go to Myrtle Beach now because it'll be more worth our money in the summmer, and we can both work a little more before and get some more into the bank.

I am SO PROUD of myself for how Ive been doing in school and preparing for my exams and doing so well. I'm really happy and am gunna keep it up. I am officially declaring my double major in fall...nervous. But I know I can handle it if I put my mind to it. And its somethign I really want to succeed in.

So today after I handed in my film midterm I actually had free trime and was in the area so I stopped over at Buckley for a visit. Niocle and I chatted it up about housing next year now that UConn's wonderful residential life process has started and we decided that we dont really want to live next door to katie andrea and ashley and dev. We actually dont even care if we're in the same building., We do not need to be living in the midst of drama central. I love them to death but actually taking the time to think about next semester today made me realize that that may not be the best environment for me to be happy in and actually get work done in. So Nicoel and I are going to attempt to get into Alumni on our own, and if that doesnt work, then I dotn really know. We may each end up with random roommates which Im nto too thrilled about , but sigh , no need to worry now.

So then me and teh two Nicoles went t oChuck and Augies for dins, YUM. It was alot of fun, I miss hanging out with Nicole Gilbertie. We need to do that more often not just when we party or are in gropus, the same goes for Toussaint. I? need to stop over there more often, its just so hard with how busy I am and them being so far awau and not to mention how FUCKING FREEZING it is up here!!! I cant wait till it gets warm and I will actually want to go outside.

Dave and I have been great. I love him so much, it's wonderful. We love spending time together and are having so much fun, just enjoying eachothers company. I wish he was here right now so I could sleep snuggled up next to him, but alas big bear will have to do until I get to see him when I go home. I'm so happy. He makes my life.

Well basically life is wonderful and amazing, except for my annoying self consciousness, but I have even more motivation, if I lose the weight I want to, I'm goign on a slef promised shopping spree for summer clothes. Well Much love here!! - I love my life!! :)
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