The weekend review

Feb 06, 2006 21:38

Hm, so yeah, this weekend did turn out pretty sick as I had hoped it would. From friday's entry Dave and I were great and had a lot of fun with eachother all weekend, just being around eachother, we liek couldnt stay away, haha, I got like no errands done that I thoguht I would because we were always eith out doing stuff together or just in hanging out. :) So Friday was a lot of fun, I played counterstrike n Trevor's laptop and I LOVED it!!! Go figure. haha, and I was pretty good for my first tiem ever too! WE all got so into playign that we never made it to the packy!! *gasp* never thought THAT would happen, just goes to show how addicting it is haha, I literally had to be dragged away from the computer just about. So yeah I didn't get hoem too late and I slept in really late while Dave was at a job, but it was nice to actually sleep, ah tht basement spoils me, I love it, you can sleep right through noon and you cant tell if its 8 am or 8 at night.

Once I finally got up, Melissa and went out and got lunch together at Goldroc where I had an awesoem BLT, the weather was really shitty though. We had originally set out ona mission for fancy bagel, but of course, it being us, we got there as it was closing at 3 PM for our breakfast, haha. But then after that I chilled with the boy and we played Super Smash Brothers for a bit before setting off to Dave Faust's house to , of course, drink, which I did. I also attempted drunken pool = yeah nice try, eventually we just all gave up after about 12 turns betwen the 4 of us and no one sinking anything. haha. So I slept at Dave's and his mom was a bitch to me about it - of course when Dqave gets in the shower she comes in to talk to me. But oh well, you'd figure after like the 15th tme Ive spent the night there some with her permission that she wouldnt care the once in a while it happens, but eh. It was a minor setback and he snuggled me and I slept like a rock.

Then came Sunday and I went and did my taxes at my moms house and then went to that Superbowl party at that amazing house. Steelers won. It was a pretty good game, liek I figured it would be, but still even though I was routing for the Steelers I was surprised atthe Seahawks for not holding ther own better. But my heart wasnt in the game anyways <3 you BILLS!! It was more where I watched it anyways. Ah well, write abut that later, gotta go upstairs and help with this movie thing theyre makin.
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