I want to go on a drive. Just drive into the sunset. Who wants to come with me?
This week has been very strange. Ive not been excited, happy, mad, or sad at all. Just kind of bland. I made a cake though, its delicious.
People can be aggravating to me now adays. Its awkward to be around them. Sometimes I just cant stand it. Oh well, I never say anything anyways.
Im going camping this weekend. That will be a relief. Paintball finasco, anyone?
Searching for a cd player that ends up in your teachers room is pointless. I think they got mad at me because I was gone over half an hour. Oh well, it was my mission, and I tried my best to complete it.
AB honor roll... It all comes down to the finals. Euro and English, I need B's on the finals for B's in the classes. Spanish, C on it. Math, 0 to keep a B. Chemistry, probably C range to keep a B. This'll blow, since on the Euro final I probably knew what, like 25 of the 100 questions? Good thing there is a 20+ curve on that one.
I am definately going to sleep around 9:30 tonight. Since last night I was up till around 11:30 last night watching Open Water, the most horrible movie Ive seen in years.
I wish I could go to breakfast in the morning, every lunch, and leave early tommorow. Only be in class for the Chem exam. That would be magnificent... If only... Damn my not driving to school. And damn Josh for not finishing the picture, because I would use it tommorow.
Sidenote: 135 in a 45 in a 16 year old car is impressive. Too bad it took over 2 miles to get up to that speed. Also, if youd like to talk now or over the weekend, call my cell and leave a message. Ill check periodically.