Inspired by
Austenbook... it's Facebook Band of Brothers!
EDIT fixed some formatting issues.
Herbert Sobel invited you to the event “Training At Camp Toccoa”
Dick Winters and Lewis Nixon are now friends.
Herbert Sobel likes revoking weekend passes
Skip Muck and Don Malarkey are now friends.
Bull Randleman Lieutenant Sobel hates us.
Herbert Sobel Under my command, this will be the first and finest company in this regiment!
Dick Winters has been made Mess Officer - there must be a catch...
Herbert Sobel invited you to the event “Spaghetti Dinner”
Frank Perconte thinks calling this crap spaghetti is a mortal sin.
Herbert Sobel We’re running Currahee again! Hi ho silver!
Dick Winters Oh.
George Luz likes singing marching songs to piss off Sobel.
Robert F Sink invited you to the event “Jump Wings Party”
George Luz > Joe Toye Are those dusty jump wings? How do you expect to slay the Huns with dust on your jump wings?
Herbert Sobel hates war games. Why do I always lose?
Harry Welsh joined Easy Company
Harry Welsh is now friends with Dick Winters and Lewis Nixon
Lewis Nixon > Dick Winters We’re invading Europe, my friend!
Skip Muck wishes he was shipping out to the Pacific
Joe Liebgott likes fighting anti-Semitism. Physically.
Dick Winters Sobel’s late...
Herbert Sobel Where the god damn hell are we?
George Luz really is Major Horton. Honestly.
Dick Winters and Old Man on Bicycle are now friends.
Herbert Sobel still hates war games.
Dick Winters Oh for crying out loud...
Lewis Nixon He misspelled court martial!
Dick Winters requests trial by court martial.
Carwood Lipton, Chuck Grant and 5 other friends are attending Revolt Against Sobel
Bill Guarnere I will not follow that man into combat.
Bull Randleman Me neither.
Herbert Sobel is losing Easy :(
Thomas Meehan and Buck Compton joined Easy Company
Donald Hoobler is dying to get his hands on a real Luger
Johnny Martin doesn’t know how to break this news to Bill...
Bill Guarnere likes ice cream
Thomas Meehan changed the time of the event “Invasion of Normandy”. It is now 05 June at 22.30
Bill Guarnere Henry got killed at Monte Cassino. Where the fuck is Monte Cassino?
Bill Guarnere is ready to kill some fucking Krauts
Dick Winters It pays to keep a flashlight in your pants.
Dick Winters > Bill Guarnere Next time I say wait for my command, you WAIT FOR MY COMMAND.
Don Malarkey and Boy from Eugene are now friends.
Don Malarkey Did Lieutenant Speirs just shoot a bunch of Kraut prisoners?
Dick Winters and 11 other friends are attending Attack on Brecourt Manor
Popeye Wynn fucked up.
Bill Guarnere Winters ain’t a Quaker, he’s a Mennonite!
Joe Toye What’s a Mennonite?
Lewis Nixon > Dick Winters You know that map you found? It had every Kraut gun in Normandy on it!
Albert Blithe and airsickness pills do not mix.
Frank Perconte and Floyd Talbert like looting
George Luz Flies spread disease - so keep yours closed!
Harry Welsh BRB, taking Carentan.
Harry Welsh > George Luz Where the fuck is everybody?
George Luz I have no idea!
Albert Blithe can’t see. Help!
Albert Blithe I think I’m ok now...
Skip Muck is dubious about Kraut cheese in a tube.
Alex Penkala The bread’s stale too.
Johnny Martin’s back teeth are floating.
Harry Welsh War is hell :D
Floyd Talbert Wearing that poncho was a bad idea.
Lewis Nixon Well hello second armoured!
Albert Blithe thinks he’s finally getting the hang of this war thing
Albert Blithe fml.
Smokey Gordon likes bending the rules about Purple Hearts
Popeye Wynn likes this.
Popeye Wynn You have no shame!
Harry Welsh > Kitty Grogan I’ve got a surprise for you! It’s coming in the mail. I think you’ll find it very useful :)
Don Malarkey It’s good to be alive!
Alton More stolen motorcycles are the best motorcycles.
Babe Heffron, Les Hashey, Tony Garcia and James Miller joined Easy Company.
Babe Heffron and Bill Guarnere are now friends.
Carwood Lipton invited you to the event “Another jump into France”