Dec 26, 2004 02:56
merry christmas everyone!
mine was great. hope yours was too.
so adam came down wednesday night. i hung out with him christmas eve-day and we went to the mall... it was SUCH a bad idea, but we had fun.
i didn't really have a choice... i waited until the last minute and i didn't have any of my dad's presents yet.
i got him one of those dvd & vhs players since he has so much shit on vhs and he's always complaining about having both of them AND the reciever for the speakers in the entertainment center. i got him 7 dvd's too... well, one of them was basically for me. he was so excited when he opened it... it was like he was 12 again. i loved it.
anyways after we went shopping we met up with Krupsczak for a little bit... weird. I felt bad for him... he hadn't done ANY of his shopping and the result of that was a 2 1/2 hour wait in the best buy line for something he absolutely had to get his mom and dad.
i was late getting back to the house and my family had all gotten here at like 5. My sister brought the kids over... watching Ethan open presents was the most fun i've ever had. me and my sister went 1/2 on that god damn camera that slides open, in that rediculous commercial with Aerosmith. My dad spent all night taking pictures and sliding it open and shut. The kids got soooo many god damn presents that it made me miss being a kid. It was bad... we had to follow them all the way back to their house because plain and simple they just couldn't fit all their shit in the trunk. They were real happy though, so that's all that matters :)
This morning my dad woke me up at 10:30, i had a hangover from hell and i still had to wrap his dvds. We opened presents, hung out at the house for a few, then went out to Brenda and Tommy's for breakfast. Deana brought Steve by to open presents. Tony and Leticia dragged the kids in still half asleep, and Gloria and Ronnie were there too. We ate soooo much and Antonio and Ava's presents were as bad as the kids over here. We sat around over there til about 2:30, stopped by my Grandmas (on my moms side) house so we could drop off some presents, and came here so i could take a shower and get ready. We went to my grandma's at 4 and had a blast. My cousin had gone down to Ohio and bought a bunch of beer at like 3:30 last night since he didn't think about the fact that after 9 on Christmas Eve, he couldn't buy beer until Sunday. We drank some beer, ate a bunch of food, and opened more presents.
Around 8 we finally left there and came by the house one more time. We went back out to Woodhaven to Brenda and Tommy's for dinner. We drank more beer, ate more food, and played Euchre until about 1. Then my dad and I finally came back here. Needless to say, it's been a LONG fucking day.
Now we get to look forward to New Years :)