
Oct 12, 2003 10:47

Wow, I'm bored. Hey, what happened to my sexy backround? ;-; KAAARRRAAA!

Name: Karen
Birthday: 03/16/87
Gender: ONNA
Height: 5'
Weight: 98. I'm not anorexic ;-;
Hair Color: Black, but it looks a wee bit brown in the light.
Hair Length: Past my boobs.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Clothing: Um, pants and a shirt?
Do you really think people care about this?: Nah ;D

Nervous Habits?: -
Are you double jointed?: Oh yeah
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Yup, because I'm speachule :D
Can you blow spit bubbles?: Ewwwww
Can you cross your eyes?: Yes. My mommy said they would get stuck like that if I do it all the time. ::crosses eyes:: wheee
Do you think that's attractive? AHSAHAHAKFFDJIFkSAAHAHAHAHAAH..what was the question again? -_-
Do you make your bed daily?: ::snorts:: no

Kissed?: -
Hugged?: -
Talked to?: I'm talking to Kinu right now
Went on a date with?: - (this section SUCKS!)
Laughed with?: Kinuuu
Hung out with?: Kinu. heeehee

Took a shower?: Last night, but I need to go take one now..
Cried?: Uh.
Talked on the phone?: I HATE phone conversations! ::smashes phone::
Read a book?: Hmm..I'm reading the mayfair witches right now.
Punched Someone?: I've never punched anyone cuz I'm a good little girl. ^_^

Which shoe goes on first?: Righttt
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Only at my wall.
On average, how much money do you carry with you: That's funny.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: -
Favorite Piece of Clothing: My megatokyo shirt of course.
Pajamas: I sleep NAKED! no, not really so you can stop fantasizing about me now. :D

-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Who the hell cuts their spaghetti? PSYCHOS!
Have you ever eaten Spam?: Holy crap NO. I wouldn't even feed that stuff to my cat.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavour: Cheesecake
How many cereals in your cabinet?: I think 4..too lazy to get up.
What's your favorite beverage?: Pepsi
What's your favorite restaurant?: -
Do you cook?: No, me and kitchen hate each other. E.e

How often do you brush your teeth?: Twice a day
How often do you shower/bathe?: One time..
How long does your shower last?: 20 minutes - 4 hours :/
Hair drying method: Um?
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: Yes, NEVER USE SUN-IN! ::sobs::
Do you paint your nails?: Nah, the fumes make me feel..@_@; wheeee

Do you swear?: Hell yeah
Do you ever spit?: One time I tried to spit out the car window and it hit the car next to us. Then we drove away really fast.

Animal: BUNNIES! and hamsters, and kitties, and fishies, and birdies..
Food: Mustard. (I eat it straight out of the bottle. :D jk)
Month: October. (Halloween ROCKS!)
Day: Tuesday. (Pineapple daaaay!)
Cartoon: .hack//sign is ubercool
Shoe Brand: Walmart! haha no.
Subject in school: Art
Color: Black
Sport: All sports are the devil!
Tv show: The Simpsons
Thing to do in Spring: Um?
Thing To Do In The Summer: zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Thing To Do In Autumn: -
Thing To Do In The Winter: -
Game: Animal Crossing. XD

-- MUSIC --
Songs?: Miyavi-Coin Lockers Baby, Schwartz Stein-Succubus, Gackt-Cube, Malice Mizer-Beast of Blood, X Japan - Say Anything, Pierrot-Full Moon. Dir en Grey- Ain't afraid to die..I have too many favorite songs. X_X
Favorite Band/Singers?: ^^^ Up there ^^^
Favorite Song Lyric?: Schulderich's "Spiritualized" (LOL, I'm still in shock that Midorikawa Hikaru sang this. Scary.)

"Goodbye, my mars
I shot your pigs
Goodbye, strange fruits
Get higher, get higher"


The CD Player: I accidentally dropped it down the stairs...and it broke yesterday. -_-
Person you talk most on the phone with: I don't talk on the phone..::smashes phone again::
Ever taken a cab?: Mmmhmm
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: Oh yeah, I'm a sexy beast. ::snorts::
What color is your bedroom?: White
Do you use an alarm clock?: Yeah but it doesn't wake me up. ::smashes alarm clock::
Window seat or aisle?: Aisle

-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? On my side, curled up into a ball.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Yup
Do you snore?: No
Do you sleepwalk?: Yes..and I've injured myself a couple of times doing that. X_x;
Do you talk in your sleep?: "snape bent over a caldroun begging me to spank him because he's been a very naughty boy...." no, not really XD
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: Yeah
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: No..

Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Oranges or apples?: Both of them are nasty. I like mangos. :D
One pillow or two?: Five
Deaf or blind?: Deaf
Pools or hot tubs?: Hot tubs. ^^
Blondes or brunettes?: What about black and red heads? biaaatch
Tall or short?: Short ;P go midgets!
TV or radio?: -
Beach or pool?: Pool..Galveston is freakin' nasty.
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: Altoids
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: Snooooze.
Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset ^_^ it's so puuuurdy.
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? Gross.
Morning or night?: Night
Sports or news?: None.
Indoors or outdoors?: Indoors, in front of the computer. :D
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: DAY
Cake or ice cream?: Ice cream
Spearmint or Peppermint? -
Bath or shower?: Shower
Book or Movie?: Depends.
Green or Red apples?: MANGO!
Rain or Snow: Um. It's never snows in Houston. But sure does rain alot.
Nike or Adidas?: None

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: In Japan! ^___^
Who are you going to be married to?: Gackt. BWAHAHAHAH!!
How many kids?: None. I HATE KIDS!
Your profession: - Stalker
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