"My Bio table thinks you should be a pro editor..."

Sep 13, 2007 21:25

Scalpelixis: i wonder what manny's like on morphine.
LambChop8869: probably the same
Scalpelixis: i'm thinking a living loss of syntactic control. but that's just me.
LambChop8869: hahaha
Scalpelixis: i bet we could have written a style analysis on her experience
LambChop8869: the style by which the surgeon cut her open reflects the sometimes harsh, but always effective ways in which she opens the minds of her children?
Scalpelixis: they don't cut you open to take your gall bladder out
Scalpelixis: it's laparoscopic
LambChop8869: oh
LambChop8869: i thought i had something going
Scalpelixis: she gets stabbed four times, is the number four representative of anything?
Scalpelixis: the number of people in her family
Scalpelixis: i dunno, how would that work?
LambChop8869: the number of people in every family
LambChop8869: according to lee
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