Jul 31, 2006 23:26
what is it about relationships that scares people so much? i mean every1 claims that they are looking for their "special some1" but when they find some1 they get attached to... some people run, i know people who have done it, hell ive done it. some timez its just an on going experiance that you cant avoid. you find yourself getting attached then you start picking fights, and makeing excuses. hopeing that the other person will end it, just so you dont have to. and the reason you dont want to be the one to end it is because you're not so sure you want it to end in the first place. that way when you break up, you can tell yourself they ended it not you. but later you think back and realize that you ment for it to end, even if u wanted it to last. i mean is it that far fetched? am i think too far outta the box? i know its not just me here on this, but what is wrong with me (and others) who do this? what makes falling in "love" so scarry? y do people run from it? is that normal? how exactly do u stop yourself from doing that?
hmb if u have some sorta answer plez