You know that whole "six degrees of separation" thing? Facebook has really shown me how based in reality that concept is.
For example, some time ago we went on vacation with some friends, Mason and Sara. Mason has been a good friend of Arian's from way back in junior high in California; he was in our wedding. His fiancee, Sara, mentioned upon meeting Pancake that she had a friend who was really into beagles. Months later, Arian recognized the name of someone who was leaving a comment on a photo posted by Carrie, Pancake's breeder, who lives in Washington. After some investigation, we determined that this person (who he also went to high school with) was the aforementioned friend of Sara's. She knows Carrie through competitive beagle shows.
Another case: A month or so ago, Arian exclaimed, "What! Why is Dominic commenting on Matt's status?" Dominic is a friend of mine from HS in Colorado who now lives in NYC. Matt is a friend of Arian's from HS in California who also lives in NYC now. Apparently, Dominic is dating a friend of Matt's. This friend ALSO went to high school with Arian.
Finally, last night I went to a bachelorette party in honor of my friend Cimone, who is in my graduate program. She left a status message commenting on the party, and I commented, as did several other guests--including a girl whom, when I clicked on her name, appeared to have five mutual friends with me. Five? I only knew her through Cimone. But apparently, she also knows another one of our groomsmen, Andy, as well as his four former roommates, John, Chris, and Ryan. Arian used to play poker with these guys regularly during college.
Now this has nothing to do with Facebook. But as we're talking about coincidences...the day I met Arian he was in Denver, attending the wedding of his uncle. This wedding, we later discovered, was officiated by one of my elementary school teachers.
Tomorrow is the day I go to the dentist for my fillings. I am going to be heavily sedated. I'm nervous.