So this was the big anniversary weekend. ugh. not what i expected at all. we did absolutely nothing. except monday we went to darylls woo fucking hoo. ugh. i am so fed up with petty shit. i know that i shouldnt be so selfish sometimes. but i cant help it. its like he doesnt really give two flying fucks about me. except he tells me he does and tells
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I thought you should get it directly without only bits and pieces.
I'm sure she will con you and give all kinds of rationalization.
A child that is so disgaceful to a loving parent is a disgrace to humanity.
You are a GREAT con artist. You really have your friends fooled.
THey actually think you care about people.
You only care about your own low, worthless self.
Your mother almost died last week and you never bothered to go to the hospital.
You gave a bull crap story that you didn't know it was serious. You are full of crap.
I told you she was in ICU (Intensive Care Unit). I told you that
she was in bad shape and that you needed to come to the hospital.
She was in there for a week. You made all kinds of excuses like you had to go into work.
You called her once two days after she was in intensive care after I told you to, and then you gave her a bull crap
excuse that you never called back or came because you told her while she was hooked up to IVs
and heavily sedated that she should call you back when she woke up.
If Amy or one of your friends went to the hospital you would have dropped everything and
you would have been there.
Because that would have made your phony ass look like you were a caring person.
You only do things that make you look like something you arent.
I guarantee that any one of your friends if they heard their mohter was taken to the hospital and was
in ICU would have dropped everything and ran to the hospital. You made all kinds of excuses
but in the final analysis, you are an unmitigated piece of human garbage.
Another issue, you garbage user of people, for someone who never speaks to her grandmother
or uncle, you sure had no trouble hitting them up for money so you could buy a car.
You are a realy user of people and not worthy of the spit on the ground.
Your mother did nothing but love you and try to help you.
You were taking ecstacy on a regular basis, you also said you had taken almost
every other conceivabel drug available. You were slicing your wrists and thighs and arms,
you were having sex with a bi sexual drug dealer who was being
pursued by people trying to kill him. You were spewing nothing but evil at your mother
but still she loved you and tried to help you.
You admitted to lying about almost everything you did, saw, said, etc... just like you do with your friends.
You said in one of your posts that the only happiness you remember was with your nana... well let me tell you kiddo,
if she was alive now she would kick your ass.
You are a total disgrace to her memory. If she has a way to know
what you ahve done to your mother she would be crying. If she knew what a total loser you are she would be
disgraced for all she did to try to help you.
Everyone tried to help you but you were such a loser that you chose
the easy druggy piece of garbage path of least resistance.
You have a job... well WHOOOOOOPPEEEEEEE.
Your mother and I have worked hard and now we have a bank and things are awesome.
Just a side bar, my daughter Jenn, who is doing incredibly well told me what she really thought of you.
While you kept confiding in her she kept coming back to me and telling
me all the things you said and really did when you lied and told us that she was really
uncomfortabel around you and your druggy friends but didnt want to say anything to you
becuase she didn.t want to start trouble. You wondered how we always knew what was going on. You're not
as sharp as you think kiddo. You are however, an excellent user and manipulator of your friends and others.
You really have them snowed.
If they don't think that you are dispicable after knowing that
you put your friends and going to work ahead of visiting your mother who almost died
in the hospital is just a part of your disgusting personage, then they are as bad as you. You are a lowlife
piece of garbage. I am tempering this letter, believe me, because if I really told you the depths of how I feel about you
it would not be so tame.
I hope you get what you deserve in life. You are scum and should go back to where you belong.
Go crawl back under some scummy rock where you belong.
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