May 16, 2009 20:50
i am tired. Is there anyone out there???????? HEllooooooooooooooooo. Acceptance. No, just. People say, it just is. Let it be.
I've reasoned with many things I don't always agree and don't understand But, i let it be. I guess it's important. Where Life is taking me to, i don't know, I'm just going with it. it's fun. one thing i can't quite figure out but just try to ignore is People telling me i need to eat meat. Why don't you eat meat? It's here for us, it's meant for us. For fucks sake, No! I mean yes, it was here for us but wtf we have reached are carrying capacity on Earth, we have been mass producing animals and torturing them and giving them a shitty life for what? so we can put their body parts on our plate? Because we have grown up with it that is all we see. But open your eyes. We, humans, are ruining the planet, we have been. it's sad, so my part in this world is to Not be one of those people and do all i can to protect our MOther. and yes, i, one person, can indeed make a difference. so FUCK off everyone who says i need to eat meat. you need to open your fucking eyes a little do some will go a long way. i don't know what else to write. so bye.