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Nov 03, 2004 17:08

ok you guys, bush won, fucking deal with it. i love that my friends who all know i am a republican are all pissed off right now, if bush had not won they would be rubbing it in my face but since he has its oh my god i am going to move to another country our government sucks. honestly i think your all retarded. you wake up in a better position than the rest of the population all over the world every day so why don't you take some time out of your overprivleged (even if you are rich or poor by u.s. standards you are living in a city in a class that is so far from the bottom you cannot even fathom)lives to appreciate it and not contually bash it like some stupid fucking babys whose president didn't get elected even though he lost fair and square. i am super excited to hear over the next few months how bush cheated and rigged something or another, the polls were fucked up and whatever other bullshit you people can come up with. some one had to loose, it was your guy suck it up and deal. then i will get to hear about healthcare which is something of course i know nothing about (i am being sarcastic obviously) people will say how its to expensive and for the next four years i am going to ask them how they plan to transfer the responsibility of research and developement to other countries and decreasing the cost for the u.s. consumer, cuz heres the truth we come up with all of it so we are the ones who have to pay for it, start a medical research lab in canada or mexico that is not at all tied to the u.s. government but also passes the standards of safety the u.s. government sets up for our own protection so that the drug can be sold here and that drug will be cheaper. then again you probably wont find healthcare as advanced anywhere else in the world, so are we lucky or is this a burden. you whiny bitches seem to think that this is ripping us off, when less women die here from childbirth, and routine medical procedures than any other country. your going to bitch about the draft, my question is what draft? considering that it has not been voted on or propositioned to be voted on your being spazzes. next your going to talk about iraq and i am going to tell you to shut the fuck up, your going to say there were no weapons of mass destruction i am going to tell you to shut the fuck up. because you dont know everything, and what would you have done, not gone to war when there was intelligence saying yes there are things that can hurt us and no there aren't you have to pick, and he did what he thought was best, he did what i would have done if i was being told we could or could not be bombed or attacked by iraq because there may or may not be wmd's. i wouldn't have risked the lives of an entire nation. then your going to talk about how gays cant get married i am going to say "i dont oppose that" and you are going to ask me again why i voted for bush. and i am going to answer that i did it because i can, because that is what i believed and that you lost so deal with it, leave you ungrateful bastard if you must, go to countries where women are murdered with no reaction (mexico and other countries) go to countries where you work hard and they have a governement aid set up that you pay for so other people dont have to and can remain publicly assisted forever (europe) or you could go to countries that control population and charge you for your right to reproduce (china) or countries that hide outbreaks of dangerous disease (japan) or how about countries that would ignore an aids epidemic for centuries and even cultivate it to try and exstinguish a race (england to south africa) or you could live in a country where you pay taxes, have the right to protest, vote, bear arms, leave, go to school, say whatever you want, be whatever you want, and have a family however you want to. or you could bitch about it, so go to france or europe or wherever the fuck you want, where the euro will milk you dry along with the taxes, where the governement does not monitor food creating outbreaks of diseases from the middle ages (mad cow) where there are bombings everyday not because they hate the u.s. but because they dont like the jews, go to where women are subjected to rape, mutilation, and slavery, where you run the risk of sub par education, and life. if you dont appreciate it get the fuck out, or better yet do something about it instead of talking about how much art means to you and getting drunk at gallery openings every week. read the paper, attend political meetings participate and when you have done all of that then you can try and talk to me about this or even insult me but when all you do is spout the latest essay from michael moore at some party in a loft in brooklyn and you dont do anything about it, i am not going to give a shit. don't lecture me on something you are not active in, because for the next three years you wont say shit about politics just like you hadn't before the election started. so dont bash me for my beliefs i never did that to you, and dont whine about how you have been cheated because if you voted you werent you had your voice heard it wasnt the voice of the majority and that is democracy that is what you have been talking about for the past 6 months but now that kerry lost it is a sham.

it is a shame when some peoples faith in their country is not based on an emotional conncection and pride in where they are from. i remember making and sending presents to my cousin and the other 60 or so guys in his division over christmas during the first gulf war. we watched coverage while we wrapped books, made ornaments and wrote letters of encouragement in my living room. last year and this year my family will do the same. for my cousin and for two of my friends who are being sent over there. and i am happy that george w. bush will be the presdient while they are there, because i know that he will make sure they have everything they can to accomplish what they set out to do, which is protect us, and make the world safer. you may be thinking oh my god ellen your are regurgitating what they want you to think. but its not a fucking conspiracy you guys, michael moore is an idiot, john kerry could if you look at it the right way be guilty of treason, john edwards would have not idea what to do if he were vice president. bush may not be the best public speaker but we are not being bombed, and we have rights most people could only dream of. cheney may be scary as hell but that short peguin like bastard doesnt fuck around. i feel safer with them in there.

and i am allowed to believe whatever i want.
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