Oh man, today is so boring. I think I am moderately califragilisticexpialadocious. I have two options to relieve myself of the boredom: Get out and do something with my life, or start a huge following (cult) devoted to annihilating hippies. I'm leaning towards the latter for two reasons. I hate hippies, and being successful at life is hard. :-(
If I invented a time machine (And I won't, because it's hard) I would use it as a getaway vehicle after I robbed people. See, most people would sell their invention to make money with it, but that's just stupid. First you sell the time machine, then the next thing you know you're getting robbed and your money is being taken back to the 1997. Then your family tells you to go munch on some glass because you have a little dick. I would hate to be an inventor. :-(
Sometimes I think it would be cool to be an editor so I could be like "Nah way you spelled teh "expialidocious" wrong!!", but then people would get pissed off and stab you as a form of artistic expression. I hate artists. All they do is sit in their basement creating paintings about how much better they are than me. I could be an artist too if I had a tortured soul. In fact, I think I will be an artist after I burn in hell. I changed my mind. Hell sucks. What's the big deal about artists anyway? Jesus wasn't even an artist because art sucks. Jesus was a wicked carpenter though, and that's why people loved him. If he was an artist he would have just churned out depressing crap piece after depressing crap piece, and then the world would be owned by Canadians with sugar pills.
In conclusion, there's only two things worth being in life: Carpenters and robots. But I'm lying. Carpenters suck and should be outlawed. Jews won't stand for it anyway. History has proven that You don't kill Jews, Jews kill you. That's my new outlook on life, because I don't want to get robbed by some hippie carpenter from the 20th century.