I decided to take my digital to work with me.
I'll probably take it tomorrow as well.
I apologize if most of the photos are blurry.
I have a ton of them..There are also pictures from mississippi, but those are of me.
So, they will never see the light of day.
There is one picture of me in these scattered images..
This is going to be a huge picture post.
So, enjoy the life in mcdonalds.
This would be steven. He is Kim's Husband. Short dude as well.
It came out blurry, but this is Ms. Ruthie. She's awesome.=)
I couldn't get over this picture. It's Jocie and Ruthie. Fucking reminds me of the ring.
Paul is on the left..Carolyn on the right. I like Carolyn better..alot BETTER.
This amused me..although, you can see my digital on the screen. Nifty order!
Carolyn obviously..then there is Mark. He looks like a child molestor..but I still love him.
Mark is bagging a loser's order..and Carolyn is taking the money. They look thrilled!
This is Ursella..I mean Bobbie..She was just in mid sentence of asking me wtf I was doing.
Kim and Yours Truely..I like to lick her alot..Steve gets mad..=) It came out blurry though.
She replied one picture was enough. I still love her though <3 Kim's Boobs! *drools*
New employee..Named Jocie..This one came out right..She's a strange old lady.
This is Jessica..She's quiet..and she wears alot of make up on a daily basis.
This is what you do in back drive thru. It's annoying..plus alot of papercuts.hate the fryboxes.
OMG IT'S A DANNY! Don't hide!..Don't fight the urge to strike a pose. He hates me.
HAHA..at last..I got you..This is the crew room..and the shitty computer we teach people stuff.
From the Left; Bobbie, Ruthie and Mark. Check them all out being lazy and smoking.
She's cleaning the shake machine..She looks excited, but don't be deceived.
This one was last..How meaty are your burgers? =x HAHA mrew..fucking amusing.
That is all for now, but until another day. Maybe tomorrow, I will wear the saftey gear on my head.