(no subject)

May 03, 2007 22:11

Sara Bitew
Period 5 English
April 27, 2007
Dear Holden,
I have come up with ten songs that somehow remind me of you. The first song that reminded me of you is a song called "Nothing Even Matters" by Lauryn Hill. I chose this song because of the lyrics. Your defeatist attitude toward life and how nothing really matters in the world besides people that you actually care about reminded me of you. You always seem to complain and put others down because you are insecure with yourself and feel like you wont hurt others while doing so.
The next song that reminded me of you is "Runaway Love" by Mary J. Blige . Throughout the Book, you always seemed to be on the move and running away from all your problems. From the Time you got kicked out of Pensey, you’ve avoided the issue and never went back home to your parents. You always seem to be on the move meeting new people and discovering new things but never confront the problems that are in front of you.
"Icebox" by Omarion was a song that immediately stuck out when I heard it. The lyrics seemed to explain how feel about what has gone on in your life. The loss of your family member has caused you to be cold hearted and not care about others. "I got this icebox where my heart used to be." It seems as though ever since the incident, you haven’t treated others the same as you used too. You continue to lie to people for no apparent reason.
Your relationships with Jane brought me to the song "Fantasy" by Mariah Carey. You seem to be fascinated with her. She is one of the few girls that you respect and that you find attractive. The lyrics in this song talks about someone who is really fixated on this one person because of the way they look and their personality. This person gets excited and flustered whenever they see the person that they like. The same goes for Holden. Whenever he brings up Jane he talks about her in a way that he doesn’t talk about other girls. "Oh when you walk by every night, talking sweet and looking fine, I get kind of hectic inside."
All of the family issues that are occurring in your life reminded me of the song called "Family Portrait" by Pink. The lyrics describe a dysfunctional family that doesn’t know how to cooperate with each other. The father isn’t really that involved his child life which is kind of the situation with you an your family. You don’t really communicate with your parents that much and they don’t understand why you are the way you are.
The song "My Immortal" by Evanescence has a really dark and emo type of sound. It reminded me of you because of your attitude and how you really don’t care about others feelings that much.
Another song that reminded me of you was a song called “Addiction” by Kanye West. When listening to this song, it reminded me of you because of its lyrics. The song talks about addictions that people possess which cause them to feel good about themselves. “Why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good?” This song in the line really stuck out for me. I think that all the lying and disobedient things that you do make you feel good and secure about yourself.
The song “Love” by Keisha Cole reminded me of your relationship with Jane. You seem to be very fond and care for her deeply which is odd coming from that doesn’t like anyone. This song describes one persons deep love for someone. This person doesn’t realize “love” until encountering the person that they have fallen in love with. I thought of you and Jane when listening to this song. You seem to not care for anyone besides Jane.
Lastly, the song “My Perogative” by Bobby Brown seemed like the perfect song that fit your personality. “Everybody's talkin' all this stuff about me Why don't they just let me live? I don't need permission make my own decisions that's my perogative.” This sounds like something you would say in your everyday life. You think that you don’t have to listen to what anyone says and that you make up your own rules which is what this song portrays.
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