losing a soul mate...

Aug 17, 2007 20:07

is quite possibly the most difficult scenario to take part in.
Watching that person, as an observer, is awkward and unsettling enough. Trying to imagine being the one who has lost; I have no words for that feeling.

In this I say goodbye to a good man. I may not have known you as most others have, but your presence and personality was felt through your wife and for that I thank you. Peggy, I love you, and I wish your heart what comfort it can find in this difficult and awkward time.

As empty as she may feel I hope she knows she has a strong support system, even one waiting for her back at work.

The funeral was very peaceful; as peaceful as one could be. The service was nice, and as I stood there I thought about when I lost my great grandfather. How I stood there on that sunny-crisp afternoon. The sun beaming down on my face and my sunglass sheltering my eyes from not only the bright consuming light but from the swollenness of my eyes (due to the tears silently falling from my eyes); I remember standing there when we bore his casket to the sight of his grave.
Surrounded by all of those people; all of those people who loved and lived with him throughout his life. The intensity of that day was apparent in my posture and the strain in my voice. All I could think was, “there was something better out there.” because someone as amazing has he was...nothing less of a destination was expected.

Before I left today, I bent down towards the distinguished form of my co-worker and gave her a warm smile and an all consuming hug. I remember hoping I absorbed some of the days’ immense weight, and told her that I loved her. I think hearing the trueness of my friendship was better than my sorrow for her loss.

I hope I can find someone who will encompass and maintain the love that Peggy and Ronnie built and nurtured as one. May your souls someday reconnect…
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