Oct 27, 2012 12:47
Player: Sire
Character: Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
Series: The World Ends With You
AIM: eyesofgeass
Email: eyesofgeass@gmail.com
You are also welcome to send me a message via LiveJournal.
Think I'm in need of some critique? Feel free to do so right here. I won't bite your head off and am pretty civil about crit. Improvements can always be made! Especially considering a difficult character like Joshua. This is the first time I am playing him so any and all commentary would be appreciate. Would hate to have him wrong. I only ask that you give tasteful critique and not outright flames. Thank you. ♥
Anonymous Commenting. On.
Screening. On.
IP Logging. Off.
Forth Walling. Okay.