Um, first post... I hope I've included all the right tags, I didn't keep up with which episodes I took caps from. Crossposted to my journal, so sorry to the two people who read it. XD
WARNING! SPOILERS for tons of stuff. Listening? SPOILERS!
Also is probably NSFW and 15 images (probably not dial-up safe)!
Here are all the Torchwood Macros, SPOILERS for pretty much all of season 2: Here are the Classic Who Macros:
I took the caps in this post. If I've forgotten that one of these isn't mine, please let me know.
The first is my favorite, because I'm a big believer that Doctor/Master is Xavier/Magneto.
Jack/Ianto is SO the new Lethbridge-Stewart/Benton.
Below are two tries at a Star Trek Original Series reference. XD
I'm sorry.
Young Frankenstein, anyone?
Three Tries for one really pointless association:
Um, definitely included 1st Doctor tag inappropriately. Very sorry. There are just so many.