Inspired by a conversation I had about Tosh's horrible love life.
slybrarian: Yeah, the sad fact is that she's already catching up with Sam Carter in the "All my love interests die horrible deaths" standings, and without nearly as much time under her belt. We'll have to see if she can manage to take out multiple people at once, like Sam managed with Martouf/Lantash/Elliot.
ladymalchav: Tosh/Jack/Ianto/Martha threesome?
slybrarian: Maybe. Although really, killing Jack seems almost like cheating. Sooner or later everyone does it.
ladymalchav: This is true. Plus, I don't really want Martha or Ianto to die.
slybrarian: Yeah, that'd be unfortunate. Clearly more Aliens of the Week are needed, because other than Gwen and Rhys we're out of named characters... well, other than PC Andy, which would adorable but also not a good thing.
ladymalchav: Tosh and PC Andy should totally hook up. PC Andy is too awesome to die, he could break the cycle!
slybrarian: You may be on to something there.
So then I made a banner! :D
and another
And omeone said this should be macro'd: