Terrifying!Pertwee and his incarnations further invade artworks

Feb 14, 2008 15:39

Seven Doctors for the price of . . . well, gouging your eyes out/bleaching your brain.

(Click pictures to embiggen. Not that you really. Cough. Should.)

The Birth of Pertwee (featuring frocked-up Four and Five/Ten in angelic rapture):

Pertwee as barmaid at the Folies-Bergère (featuring concerned Nine in a top hat):

Who Wars Episode Four: Not a Shred of Hope (featuring sunburned One, Eight, and Sarah Jane:

We're not tired of this meme yet, are we?

challenges, 8th doctor, 3rd doctor, 5th doctor, 10th doctor, companion: sarah jane, 9th doctor, 1st doctor, 4th doctor, actor: jon pertwee!terrifying, xover: star wars, tardis, shopped

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