The long drought is over! The Unexpected Naked Mod is back! Once again, the Interwebs overflow with twisted Doctor Who captioning mutations, crawling from the depths of our crazed imaginations and waving their conceptual appendages at you out of your monitor screens!
Here's a couple.
Another Doctor Who/Cat Macro crossover, from Creature From The Pit
Also, whilst Kate was away, I saw the Egyptian artefacts from the Louvre, currently on tour. Interesting, and some fascinating craftsmanship - the beadwork funeral dressings particularly amazing.
In honour of their achievements, and in honour of one of the all-time-great Doctor Who villains, I give you ...
photo from here)
and , for the hell of it,
Shockeye O' the Quawncing Grig
I thought of another Soviet Russia, too. And, Oh , I was so glad that Tragical History Tour had such a perfect publicity shot for this caption...
Of course, it will make no sense at all unless you're familiar with the big twist in
Doctor Who : Nightmare of Eden And another take on the same Love And Monsters screengrab i used before the break, nabbed via
Time & Space and last but not least, an explanation for how Jack pulled his big stunt at the start of Last of the Time Lords