I think my Classicspam is turning into a saga.
There are no spoilers here. Just absurdity and a bit 'o language.
My tumblr followers have probably seen most/all of these before.
Yeah, I'm having a full-on Adric phase. Because...because...
*gives hugtiem*
However, I will withhold hugtiem if I catch you doing this again:
I know someone did this for the Master recently-ish...
The aforementioned violent and aggressive companions.
Can't decide if he's writing Doctor/Romana, Doctor/Master, or Nyssa/Tegan.
Obscure reference is obscure.
I'm sorry Fivey but...really...
Nothing makes you OTP like running through Paris holding hands and doing computer commercials together.
Have I mentioned lately the admiration I have for this man's face? And confused Ace is confused.
I'm tempted to hang this outside my door on Halloween.