So, earlier tonight (around 12:00am EST), I was driving and encountered the Moon. I guess I've never seen the Moon so clearly, so soon after it's risen (it was barely above the horizon), because it was so unnaturally bright golden yellow and so freakishly MASSIVE appearing, it startled and unsettled me. It was completely beautiful and fascinating, but something about it left me feeling upset and constantly trying to catch further glances of it rather than paying attention to the road.
My first thought was "It's SO BIG! TOO BIG! OMG! Is the Moon falling on us?! D:". My second thought was "It looks like a Bad Wolf Moon. All golden and shining and frightening, with the clouds wisping around it and further reflecting all the light."
My third thought, which had to frustratingly remain incomplete until just now, was the following image, at which point I snort-laughed so hard I accidentally jerked the wheel:
(Minor, minor spoilers for the end of Series 1, I guess, if anyone's not seen it yet)
Apologies for the sub-par photoshopping, but it's almost 3 am and I need this idea out of my head. XD
This meme does not have it's own tag, so I think a crossover with a meme counts as a seriously miscellaneous crossover, yes?