Goodnight Gallifrey

Feb 15, 2010 22:08

A book of stories from the Doctor's childhood has fallen through the Rift (and time, shut up), and he illustrated them. Now he reads one of his favorites to Joan Redfern, with bonus commentary from her and Donna :D 
contains two or three pictures from The End of Time (and quite spoilery ones too)

fake cut goes to my lj because it's 35 images total (comments go there too, please)
I present to you, "Goodnight Doctor"...

xposted to ihazastopwatch also

10 tse/journey's end, meme: hypnoboobies, gallifrey in any form, 10 fires of pompeii, character: joan redfern, character: john smith, 10 sontaran strategem / poison sky, seriously miscellaneous crossovers, torchwood: ianto, buttsecks of various kinds, 10th doctor, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 10 human nature/family of blood, 9th doctor, 10 christmas invasion, companion: captain jack!naked, torchwood: adrift, gay agenda ftw, companion: donna, master!simm, 10 end of time, 10 runaway bride, tardis

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