A return to form?!

May 28, 2009 09:05

Okay, folks, bear with me. I haven't done one of these in nearly a year, but I had to get this one out of my system.

Spoilers for... hmmm... let's see. EVERYTHING, but especially for 4x14, "The Next Doctor", and 4x15, "Planet of the Dead".

10 the next doctor, 10 tse/journey's end, 10 planet of the dead, 10 the doctor's daughter, companion: rose, companion: martha, meme: bat country, 10 partners in crime, torchwood, 10th doctor, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, meme: it's a lion get in the car, 9th doctor, 10 turn left, companion: donna, master!simm, companion: captain jack, torchwood: kiss kiss bang bang, characters: jenny, meme: tiemcock

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