Apr 05, 2009 22:42
10th doctor era, 10 smith and jones, torchwood: meat, torchwood: a day in the death, 10 tse/journey's end, 10 fires of pompeii, companion: rose, xover: rocky horror, companion: martha, torchwood: ianto, 10 shakespeare code, torchwood, 10th doctor, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, torchwood: countrycide, 10 planet of the ood, torchwood: small worlds, 10 christmas invasion, 10 turn left, torchwood: tosh, torchwood: gwen, torchwood: owen, companion: donna, master!simm, more torchwood, 10 army of ghosts/doomsday, lyrics, torchwood: kiss kiss bang bang, character: jackie, torchwood: dead man walking, 10 tooth and claw