Two smallish macros (well, small compared to my last one). First one has major Journey's End spoilers and is NSFW. The second to my best knowledge is completely safe in both ways. Though the last time I posted this the lj-cut link to the second one wasn't working that well (it dumped you right in the middle of the first macro), so I probably wouldn't click on it if you don't want to be spoiled just in case.
Reposted due to my fail of using bold tags with spoiler warnings. Sorry for the person who's comments got baleeted.
This is an actual screencap from my college algebra computer program. I hope macro-ing it isn't some copyright violation... *shifty eyes*
Also, if anyone knows of some good Eddie Izzard screencaps (like giant macro-worthy size), then I would be most grateful. If not I'll stick with scrounging around on the Cake or Death website for my next macro.