Crunch time!

Jul 24, 2008 20:12

Apologies to all and sundry, I just couldn't resist!

(Warning: *nearly* contains some choice language which may be NSFMW (Not Safe For Mary Whitehouse). Also, quite large (35 images)!!!)

Spoilers: Low, almost all from Srs 2 and 3 (Christmas Invasion, New Earth, Girl in the Fireplace, Evolution of the Daleks, Utopia.)

Warning: contains *nearly* some choice language which may be NSFMW (Not Safe For Mary Whitehouse)

Images from, manips from roflbot, script from the Boosh

10th doctor era, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 10th doctor, xover: mighty boosh, alien: daleks, 10 christmas invasion, 10 gitface, 10 daleks in manhattan/evolution, 10 school reunion, seriously miscellaneous crossovers, 10 new earth

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