Images from Captions by roflbot. Insanity by me!
SPOILERS: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Sleeper, A Day in the Death, From Out of the Rain, Adrift, Fragments, Voyage of the Damned, Partners in Crime, Planet of the Ood, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.
The first ten million years were the worst. Spoilers through Last of the Time Lords. #2.
I love the smell of bananas in the morning! Spoilers through Smith and Jones. #3.
Aliens exist. Spoilers through Voyage of the Damned. #4.
What special effects budget? Spoilers for Silence in the Library. #5.
That's got to hurt! Spoilers for Fragments. #6.
How to seduce Jack Harkness. Spoilers through Fragments. #7.
Are you afraid of the dark? Spoilers for Silence in the Library. #8.
Do you mean Tom or Colin? Spoilers for Forest of the Dead. #9.
Hot and steamy. Spoilers for A Day in the Death. #10.
Mr. Jones, if you're nasty. NSFW. Spoilers for Sleeper. #11.
It's lonely at the top. Spoilers for Sleeper. #12.
One of these guys needs to get his priorities sorted out. Spoilers for Cyberwoman. Also contains spoilers for Wilson's Heart (House MD). #13.
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse. NSFW. Spoilers through Fragments. #14.
You are what you eat. Spoilers for Silence in the Library. #15.
Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves. Spoilers for Planet of the Ood. #16.
Today is never yesterday. Spoilers through Day One. #17.
That wasn't in the brochures. Spoilers through Silence in the Library.