Epic, LONG, Sherlock Avenue Q Macro Mashup, WILL KILL YOU DIAL UP

Aug 30, 2013 20:19

Type: Macros

Rating: R for implications.

Warning/s: Slash, Probably some grammar issues 80+ IMAGES LONG WILL STRAP SEMTEX TO YOUR DIAL-UP AND BURN THE HEART OUT OF IT.

Content: Sherlock Avenue Q Macro Mashup.

Under cut due to size.

screencaps by midnight road

Sherlock Avenue Q Macro Mashup )

pairing: mycroft/lestrade, character: sherlock holmes, character: jim moriarty, pairing: sherlock/john, character: john watson, character: lestrade, character: mycroft holmes

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Comments 3

ryokoyuy September 3 2013, 02:25:44 UTC
This is the actual best thing.


sheneya September 3 2013, 02:36:06 UTC
thank you.

I'm half tempted to do more Sherlock Avenue Q mash-ups.


ryokoyuy September 3 2013, 03:11:10 UTC
Please, please do. This made my day.


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