A Conversation I had with my mom - can someone please macro this??

Jan 28, 2012 10:50

IF SHERLOCK WAS A WOMAN,and OTHERTHINGS, conversations with my mother

d) she wouldn't wear a sheet to the palace and if she did, she'd better wear a bra or something, cuz she'd be swinging

m) if she was a woman she'd wear clothes

d) why didn't mycroft wrestle sherlock into his clothes?

m) dont you think they had that fight for the first 25 years of their lives? but SH does have his limits, because when mycroft stepped on the sheet, sherlock didn't go "lalala i'm naked" and keep on walking. he put on clothes.

d) (as i'm typyin this,) can you imagine little mycroft chasing little naked sherlock after a bath?

m) can you image naked sherlock and the queen walking by with her corgis, they'd think he was a giant white tree, peeeeeeeeeee

d) sherlock would knee jerk and kick the dog

m) no he wouldn't cuz he's not normal. he'd just look down, and the dog would look up. and theyd share a moment.

d) then camera focus on face as he shakes his leg. watson in bg *facepalm*, mycroft has his lemon face on

(as im writing this,

d) i think he would do the same.

m) what!!?? he'd pee on the dog??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

d) yeah, he'd think it was a dominance thing and whip it out in front of queen, peeeeeeeeee

m) i don't think so. please a little decorum

d) if the dog peed on him it’s only fair
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