May 17, 2005 13:59
no more shelby :( whenever he leaves town i always think, "Oh,it won't be sad because he'll be back in a month or two" but after he's gone i always get sad and start missing him. this past weekend was so much funnn, and serana's aegis play was BOMB (aka
and when that i did girls talk so much smack? oh that's right, we always have.i effing hate most of the girls i know, mostly because every single one of them says " i am sick of this gossip, and the drama" but whenever i'm not around them they talk SHIT about me/everyone else they know.i know some people have problems with me, but why can't they talk to ME about it.i really don't talk shit anymore.taylor/ryan/doug have helped to eliminate a lot of the shit in my life, and i'm glad, because they've all made me a better person. i try to be aware of other people's feelings at all times now..because when you think about it, we're all just trying to live our lives.the bullshit most of us create each day really isn't necessary.we've all got our own problems, so why should we go off and gossip when we know it's only going to create more?i'm just trying to live my life, so i might as well let everyone live theirs, no need for me to go around talking shit about everyone anymore.even adults do it.even teachers do it..
oh well, all i know is between doug,serana,katy,taylor,ryan, and i - there's no drama.there's never been drama.that's pretty remarkable too, considering we spend every second of our time when we arne't in school, with each other.
AND I HAVE THE SNIFFLES, AND I AM SICK OF PEOPLE HAVING STICKS UP THEIR ASSES.just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you can be bitchy and walk all over me