May 16, 2009 23:35
- 09:07 i only caught part of last night's shenanigans, but i can't resist getting in on a #LOFNOTC t-shirt. ooooooh. #
- 17:35 @ molliekatie OH JEALOUS. i keep thinking i might get a new phone this summer. #
- 17:50 kim's birthday present: acquired. dinner: consumed. shower: imminent. #
- 20:45 at kim's party. vodka gummybears. brien and i just failed at letting michelle and jared in the right door, ugh #
- 22:14 chels and i tried to get everyone to play the secret service game. they failed. #
- 23:15 okay time to not be tipsy, have to go to rocky. oh! and i found a sexy lamp in the south rocky free bin! #
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