Everybody Loves Raymond

Feb 16, 2005 23:42

So I'm creating this Live Journal as a forum. If you want to know what I'm up to or how I'm doing, you'll either have to talk to me or read my profile and away messages on AIM. Meanwhile, feel free to put in your shiny two cents about anything and as long as you're not an idiot, I won't delete them. Also, don't be misguided by the name - it's in reference to a heartwarming love song about a wonderful man Liz and I like to refer to as "War" and not about my actual dreams. Those are not for public scrutiny.

But back to the subject at hand - Everybody Loves Raymond, as my mom is watching it right now. I do not love Raymond. And I don't think I'm alone. A better name for the show would be "Everybody Loves Raymond's Family" or perhaps, "Raymond's Family Loves Him, But Only Because They Have To." Someone took way too much liberty in naming this show and Raymond is an ass.

One more thing tonight - the movie Napoleon Dynamite. I think I'm one of the few people who did not really think it was that funny. It has it's moments, but it's also just kinda sad. Maybe that's because Idaho is actually like that. If you thought it was funny, I must ask, have you ever been there? Have you ever slept outside on a trampoline with 13 other children on a farm there? You want to know what it's really like, what really happens? Gravity happens...and the next thing you know you wake up in the center of the trampoline in a big pile of sleeping bags and people with the damp morning dew on you. And this is totally normal - adults came up with this idea. And that dune buggy thing - there's definitely pride that comes with building and crashing your own dune buggy. Plus, the movie didn't even touch on the number of potato products available. I give this movie: 1 Cup of Coffee
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