new scary gothic pic

Aug 03, 2006 00:00

Today was one of those complex days where I forced myself to do a lot of thinking. Work was really shitty because I had to do everything while my manager tina trained this hopless new person that was indeed hopless, and the other short shift person Kaylen got pulled over by the police and turned up 1hr late. This girl is like a ditzy blonde that complains that she doesn't get hours but she's always asking me to cover her shifts every five seconds I do because that's more money in my pocket. I asked her if she'd like to stay the hour she missed to make up for it and she was like omg I have things to do so I was like okay see ya, cuz i'm what they call the Shift's all good though.
I slept all day after work because I hadn't slept good for like two days maybe having 4 hours of sleep between those days and I can not function like that. Then I woke up in a pissy mood because my nephew was watching power rangers really loud and I could hear it in my room so i go dressed and left went up to Subway and I got my peanut butter cookie and talked to drew. He told me that he and Jake were now official and I was all happy for him and nearly hyperventalated in the lobby until he smacked me and said that it looks weird when gothic gurls smile. Now theres a cute boy that works there and I'm all like yum and happy I get to work with him on Saturday!!!  I'm also really happy that I'm regaining some lost friends that I used to have a lot of good times with. For example one friend in particular will remember this one...lunch time in highschool in my car chairs leaned back sunroof open smokin in the school parking lot while the PHW kids walked by, and we only left screaming when there was a scary spider crawling around....ahhh good times with autumn iiams. The thing is I realize how manipulative and downright mean I could be when I was younger and things change and so do people and I know I can never change the things I have done and it won't make a difference if I try to make it better so the effort will in fact be wasted. I just figure a clean slate should be good enough with some of these people I'm bringing back into my life. The person I excluded from my life Vanessa used to be my best friend until she got knocked up and changed by a horrible excuse for a human being and she turned out to be just like him and manipulative and backstabbing and jesus god it sucks when you get a taste of your own I was like um woah good bye lose my number you're gone from my life and I'll forget that I've ever known you. It turned out that I was doing a whole hell of a lot for her and she was doing nothing but talking shit and stabbing me in the back. If I tried getting close to anyone else she'd make sure they would hate me for the rest of my existance. I don't need anyone like that in my life thanks so I'm glad to be rid of such people, however I do not wish them any bad wish I hope for the best for Vanessa and Dan, just they are not to come back into my life ever again.
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