holding hands at yoga

May 24, 2004 12:02

What's up y'all. This is my first of MANY entries (boo-ya emb, i'll use this more than once!). PS does emb have a live journal, if so, what is it? I took a sick day off work, it was nice...but I'm still f'in sick!!! LAME! I would like to give a shout-out to the Best Friends out there for setting me up on this new-fangled contraption. However, someone wrote the password down wrong (there is no 's' at the end) but that's ok, I figured it out myself, ya hear'me!?!?! Mean while i took a gander at some of my friends entries and i noticed that stace went bowling without me! I know i was busy the 14th but...NOT COOL! who did you go with anyway? I'm done know cuz i gotta go to class, so I'm peacin'. Is there a spell check on this thing? I guess I'll find out, LATA!
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