I'm a band geek at heart.

Feb 08, 2006 13:08

I was just reading a friends journal about her friends artistic talents. Made me remember the days when I had an outlet for my art.....music. I havent played a bass guitar in at least 4-5 years and want one so badly. I would also settle for a saxophone, but I cant play that quietly too easily, I can just unplug the bass.

On the subject of hobbies, I'm getting my gun back this weekend. It was confiscated by the police when my brother used it to force a guy he knows out of the house. The guy stirred up a bunch of shit and has no respect for my brothers GF and my brother went apeshit on him, pulled MY GUN and even fired it in the yard. He got arrested for aggravated assault and discharging a weapon within a municipality. I wasnt even sure if I was gunna get my gun back ever, because the assault charge was a felony. well happy day, he called his bond agent and his public defender yesterday to see what court room he was to be in and THEY DROPPED HIS CASE ALL TOGETHER!!! I get my gun back at the earliest Fri-Sat., he has no criminal record and may be able to get his $1,000 bond back.

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